A boy who is a picky eater being fed by his mom on a dinning table

It can be challenging when your toddler is a picky eater. To accommodate their preference for orange-coloured food, here are some meal ideas that you can try:

1. Carrot sticks and hummus: Carrots are naturally orange and are a great source of vitamin A. You can serve them with hummus for added protein and flavour.

2. Sweet potato fries: Sweet potatoes are another great source of vitamin A, and they’re naturally sweet, so your toddler may enjoy them. Cut them into fry shapes, toss them in olive oil, and bake them in the oven until crispy.

3. Orange bell pepper slices: Bell peppers are a good source of vitamin C, and the orange ones are naturally sweet. Slice them up and serve them with a dip like ranch or hummus.

4. Pumpkin soup: Pumpkin is another orange food that’s packed with nutrients like vitamin A and fiber. You can make a simple pumpkin soup by sautéing onions and garlic in olive oil, adding canned pumpkin puree, vegetable broth, and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, and simmering until everything is heated through.

5. Mango smoothie: Mangoes are naturally orange and sweet, so your toddler may enjoy them in a smoothie. Blend frozen mango chunks with yoghurt, milk, and honey for a healthy and delicious drink.

Be creative with presentation, and try blending these foods into smoothies or making fun shapes to make them more appealing. It's also important to consult with a paediatrician or nutritionist to ensure your toddler gets the necessary nutrients despite their selective eating habits.

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