Make Your First Dish Washing Soap Today!

Photo of well packaged dishwashing soap containers.

The ingredients of dishwashing liquid soap can vary depending on the recipe. However, the main ingredients of dishwashing liquid soap are water and detergents. Other ingredients may include thickening and stabilizing agents, surfactants, hydrotropes, salts, preservatives, fragrances, and colors. 

However, here is a basic step-by-step method for making dishwashing liquid soap at home. Please keep in mind that safety precautions should be taken when handling chemicals, and it's important to be aware of local regulations regarding the production and sale of cleaning products.

Ingredients you'll need:

1. Water

2. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) - as a detergent base

3. Cocamidopropyl betaine - a foaming agent

4. Glycerin - for moisturizing properties

5. Citric acid - for pH balance

6. Essential oils for fragrance (optional)

7. Preservative (such as potassium sorbate) to prevent microbial growth (optional)

8. Coloring (optional)

Equipment you’ll need:

9. Mixing bowls

10. Mixing utensils

11. Measuring cups and spoons

12. pH testing strips

13. Containers for storage

Here's a step-by-step method for producing a 10-liter dishwashing liquid soap:

1. Safety first: Ensure you're wearing protective gear like gloves and safety glasses when handling chemicals.

2. Measure the ingredients:

   - Measure 10 liters of water.

   - Measure 1,500 grams of the detergent base (SLS or SLES), 1000 grams of Cocamidopropyl Betaine, and 200 grams of glycerin.

3. Mix the detergents:

   - In a mixing bowl, combine the measured water and detergent base.

   - Stir until the detergent base is fully dissolved.

4. Add cocamidopropyl betaine:

   - Slowly add the cocamidopropyl betaine to the mixture while stirring continuously.

5. Adjust pH:

   - Use citric acid (20 grams) to adjust the pH of the mixture. You may need to use pH testing strips to ensure the pH is in the desired range (typically around 7 or slightly below).

6. Add 50 grams of fragrance and 50 grams of color (optional):

   - If you want to add fragrance or color to your dishwashing liquid, do so at this stage. Essential oils can be used for fragrance, and food-safe coloring can be added for color.

7. Preservative, add 20 grams (optional):

   - If you're planning to store the dishwashing liquid for an extended period, consider adding a preservative like potassium sorbate to prevent microbial growth. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for usage.

8. Final mixing:

   - Stir all the ingredients together thoroughly to ensure they are well mixed.

9. Storage:

   - Pour the finished dishwashing liquid into suitable containers for storage.

10. Labeling:

    - Label the containers with the product name, ingredients, and usage instructions. This is only if you hope to sell!

Remember to test your homemade dishwashing liquid on a small scale first to ensure it works effectively and doesn't cause any adverse reactions. Also, be aware of any local regulations regarding the production and sale of cleaning products.

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