Instagram is one of the newest app in the market that had
already been gripped by 130 million users around the globe. Owing to its
dazzling and custom built filter feature, you can now very easily modify all
your video and photos with it, in fact here are some of its unique


It can be customized, which means, you can modify all your
videos and photos with it.

Share your videos and photos with family and friends to
Twitter, Facebook and more.

It features new
photos everyday you open up your instagram.

It enables you
follow your folks' photos with a simple click.

What a free, funny and easy way to share your life with
folks and visualize the whole world. Though Apple expert and top most
technology blogger John Gruber said that the video feature seems to make
Instagram slow to load which might blight the whole essence of Instagram. Nonetheless, He expressed relieve in the fact that an “Auto-play videos” setting could
be turned off.

Culled from

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