Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be regarded either as a citrus fruit or a vegetable which are available at all seasons and as well found everywhere. It can be eaten raw or cooked and even used in preparing a number of dishes.

This great fruit/vegetable, contains very high concentration of lycopene, which is an antioxidant that helps in the fight against formation of cancerous cells.

 Lets Know Why You Must Eat Tomatoes Always:-

  • Tomatoes prevents your bones from being flimsy due to their high calcium and vitamin K content.

  • Tomatoes can help you maintain a healthy heart and much more prevent stroke because they contain vitamins B and potassium.

  • They are good in the fight against diabetics, thanks to the  huge amount of mineral, known as chromium which they contain. This chromium helps to keep the blood sugar levels under better control.

  • Tomatoes enhance the hair, skin, eyes, bone and even teeth due to the vitamin A they contain.

  • Tomatoes provide important antioxidants, examples are, vitamins A and C.

  • Tomatoes may help to prevent and fight several types of cancers.

  • Tomatoes greatly increase the chemical processes which occur within a living organism that are essential for maintenance of life.

  • Tomatoes protects our bodies against damages to DNA.

  • Tomatoes put off formation of blood clots within the blood vessel.

  • Tomatoes aid against pain and swelling produced in an area of the body as a result of infection/injury. 

So, learn to make tomatoes your everyday food, but always ensure, you do not overcook them or better still live them fresh, as overcooking makes them less nutritious while improperly preserved ones could manifest the risk of botulism (a severe state of food poisoning occasioned by eating preserved food that had been contaminated. 

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  1. I like tomatoes, nice list of benefits. I too am a believer of increasing fruit and veggie intake. Nice Blog, very informative.

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