Health Benefits of Fat.

  • Fat provides a source of fat soluble vitamins like, vitamins A, D, E and K and equally helps to absorb them.

  • Fat gives us energy and helps in preventing fatty acid deficiency.

  • Fat forms part of the structure of cell membrane which protects our skins, serving as an underlying layer and keeps our bodies insulated and warm also.

  • Fat wards off water soluble toxins thereby protecting each cell membrane.

  • It helps us to maintain weight loss because of its sway on the quantity and frequency of food consumption.

  • Mono-saturated and polyunsaturated fats as found in peanut butter, avocado pear, nuts, sunflower seeds and almonds, protect the heart by producing eatable cholesterol.

  • Fat gives our hairs good texture, strengthens our bone while still protecting some important organs of our bodies.

  • Fat enhances the digestion of the fat soluble vitamins as well as helps in slowing the absorption of carbohydrates in the body.

  •  It is needed in the body to maintain healthy skin and the normal warm temperature that our bodies need to function well.

NEXT! We shall be discussing the negative effects of excess fat in the body and how to reduce same.

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