How To Preserve Leftover Apple Pie


Storing leftover apple pie is essential to maintain its freshness. Here’s how you can do it:

1.     Cool Completely:

o    Allow the pie to cool completely before storing it. This prevents condensation and keeps the crust from becoming soggy.

2.     Refrigerate:

o    If your apple pie contains sugar, you can leave it at room temperature for up to two days. After that, refrigerate it to prevent spoilage.

o    Custard or cream pies, as well as those with egg-based fillings (like pecan or pumpkin pie), must be refrigerated.

o    Fresh fruit pies without sugar or made with sugar substitutes (like Equal or Splenda) also need refrigeration.

3.     Storage Options:

o    Original Pie Pan: The easiest way is to keep the pie in its original pie pan. Cover it loosely with plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

o    Individual Slices: Alternatively, portion individual slices and store them in an airtight container or wrap them in aluminum foil.

o    Overturned Bowl: To protect the pie, you can also place an overturned bowl over it.

4.     Refrigerator Shelf Life:

o    Apple pie will last an additional two days in the refrigerator, giving you a total of four days (two on the counter and two in the fridge) to enjoy it.

o    You can enjoy it cold straight from the fridge or warm it up in the oven if you prefer.

5.     Freezing Option:

o    Yes, you can freeze apple pie! Fruit pies with sugar freeze exceptionally well.

o    Place any leftover slices uncovered in the freezer until they’re completely frozen.

o    Then, wrap the frozen pie tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

o    To reheat, thaw the pie at room temperature and warm it in a 350°F oven for about 30 minutes.

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