Ukraine Tensions: Presidents Biden And Putin To Meet On Tuesday

Presidents Biden and Putin smiling behind the American and Russian flags
As is widely reported, Russia had deployed over 90,000 combat troops along Ukraine's border but has overtly denied any hostile plans toward Ukraine, stating that it was only responding to what it has considered as stimulating actions by Ukraine and NATO countries.

Based on the aforementioned, the duo presidents of the USA and Russia are slated for a virtual meeting on Tuesday as tensions mount between the two countries, Ukraine and Russia. According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki in a statement on Saturday, during this meeting, other issues would be discussed such as; strategic stability, cyber, and regional issues as it relates to the USA-Russia.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin had said that President Putin plans to ensure that Biden during their call pledges that Ukraine would not be accepted into NATO. But President Biden had warned the Russian President that he’ll make it very difficult to attack Ukraine.

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