Chris Cuomo of CNN Fired...


CNN firing Chris Cuomo on Saturday

A report has it that CNN had fired Chris Cuomo during the investigation into his exertions to assist his brother, Andrew M. Cuomo, the then governor of New York, ward off sexual aggravation allegations. The stellar journalist Chris Cuomo was fired by CNN on Saturday after being suspended on Tuesday, Nov. 30, following testimony and text messages released by the New York attorney general that discovered a more close and affianced role he played in his brother’s political affairs than the network that engaged him.

It was not wholly clear what role the allegation against Mr. Cuomo, played in CNN’s decision to fire him. But a CNN spokeswoman said in a statement on Saturday night that based on the report they received regarding Chris’s conduct with his brother’s defense that they had cause to dismiss. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Mr. Cuomo, Steven Goldberg, had said in a statement on Saturday that these seemingly anonymous allegations are not true.

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