Cost Reduction Microprocessor Servers in Nigeria, says Oracle

The world best ever microprocessor servers which help businesses  to save cost and at the same time get the most out of efficiency in several sectors like (financial sector, telecom sector, oil and gas sectors including other sectors of the economy) in Nigeria had since been introduced by its Vice President, Revenue Product Engineering Systems, Mr. Chris Armes in Lagos.

He remarked that Oracle came up with a complete refresh of its mid-range and high end Sparc server range of the new Sparc T5 and M5 servers running Oracle Solaris owing to the problem of processing huge data which most business sectors had to battled with. 

He further stated that the traditional systems do not have the horsepower to handle these shortcomings of processing huge data,  use of  analytic to discover growth and opportunities and not being able to turn social streams into market intelligence.

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